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Agricultural Line

Soil Leveler

Agricultural Line

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JACUÍ Soil Graders are essential equipment to increase productivity and economy in your farming, combining performance and versatility in the correction of the micro relief of the terrain. With a set of eight combined blades, they perform earth moving work with extreme efficiency and provide total soil leveling, leaving it in ideal conditions for the best planting.


A uniform crop allows maximizing the use of agricultural machinery. When the height of the plants follows the same pattern, the harvest is much more efficient, as the harvester works in a more constant and uniform way, considerably reducing the loss of production. The same happens when using large and medium-sized sprayers.

A terrain with a corrected micro relief allows a uniform distribution over the soil, providing a homogeneous germination of the seeds and a complete and more efficient coverage of the fertilizers and chemical products. The corrected micro relief prevents the incidence of high and low points on the ground. Seeds or products do not accumulate excessively in low points and do not leave empty spots in high areas. Thus, the distribution and rational use of seeds and products provide real savings when working the land.

JACUÍ soil levelers were designed for jobs that require strength and sturdiness without an exaggerated effort in traction. Therefore, they present an excellent performance, covering large areas quickly and economically. After the correction of the micro relief of the terrain, all tasks in the agricultural process are facilitated, from sowing, through fertilizing and spraying, to harvesting. This is because the level ground provides the best operating conditions for tractors and implements, reducing work time and maintenance costs.


NSJ-10 A3B and NSJ-11 A3B

Soil Leveler

Supreme 7400

Soil Leveler

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